30 Days to AI
Waiting for the perfect time to start with AI?
The time is now
Let’s get your business up to speed on AI
Simply complete the form below to find out more.
You will walk away from this program with:
Executives Alignment: your executive team all on board and aligned with your AI initiative. We have answered their questions and implemented the relevant guardrails to keep the business safe.
Informed Leadership: your leadership team up to date on what is going on in the world of AI and how to navigate it safely. No hype or noise, only what is real and relevant.
AI App Stack: You are clear on which AI tools your team needs to use, what accounts you need to provision and what to monitor as the tools evolve.
AI Policy: A polished AI policy that creates a safe space for staff to explore with AI.
AI literate workforce: Your staff has undergone training with various AI tools and know how to be sophisticated and safe users of this technology.
Energy! Your firm will be buzzing with excitement around AI, confident using it, and impressing your clients with informed conversation on AI.
This program is for you if you:
Understand that AI is here to stay and that it is time to get on with embracing it
Understand the power of AI literacy, but not quite sure where to start
Are not sure which AI tools to let your team use and how to use them safely
Have some executives in the team that are resistant to change, for valid reasons such as security concerns, lack of clarity on training mechanisms, or worry about maintaining the quality of your work
Not sure how to create an effective AI policy for your team
Are ready to allocate budget for the right AI tools which are mature enough and secure
Are aware of the risks that come with using AI and want to manage them responsibly
This program is NOT for you if you:
Don’t believe that AI is relevant or think it is just a hype
Believe that AI can replace every process in your business today. We are not there yet.
Want to hire data scientists and build your own AI tools. This is not the program for that.
How we work together
Executive Briefing
Inbal comes in to inform and empower your team:
State of AI update - Inbal shares the real trends we are seeing, the tools out there, what other firms are doing. No hype, only what is real today.
Understand where you are compared to other firms of your size and what you need to do next.
AI strategy - Inbal outlines what your AI strategy needs to look like today.
AI tools - Make decisions about the AI tools your team is going to use.
Answer all your questions about AI including security, training approaches and reasonable investment levels.
AI Policy
We will review your AI policy or create one for you if you don’t have one.
This will feed into the training sessions with your staff.
Live Training Sessions
We take your staff through two live training sessions where we get them started with the tools we agreed on.
We cover basic use of the tools, advanced use cases and principals in safe use of this technology.
The sessions use scenarios from your industry, so they are relevant to the everyday tasks your team handles.
We recommend including all staff in this training. Including your leadership, your admin and your remote teams. Everyone can benefit from the use of generative AI, whatever they are doing in your business.
Executive debrief
We touch base again to make sure you received everything you expected and that you are clear on your next steps.
There will typically be a short state of AI update as well to cover any relevant AI advancements since our first briefing session. This field is moving fast and we want to make sure that you are always on top.
Note: Executive briefings and training sessions can take place on site, online, or hybrid to accommodate for remote teams.
AI gives us superpowers with efficiency, creativity, and access to specialised skills like we never imagined.
It’s all out there for the taking and at very affordable prices.
But there is also a lot of noise, and it is hard to get stuck on selecting the right tools and figuring out how to use them safely and how to manage a workforce that is using AI.
But very soon, some of us will have an AI literate workforce, and others will have an AI illiterate workforce.
The gap is going to grow very big, very fast.
Let’s make sure that your team knows how to use AI safely and effectively and that your firm is set up to embrace new AI capabilities as the technology evolve.
Your firm Cultural Transformation
Let’s get your business up to speed on AI
Simply complete the form below to find out more.
Your AI Leader
Inbal Rodnay is recognised as a leader in AI adoption in Australia and New Zealand.
Her work in AI builds on a stellar career of leading technology adoption in businesses and educating executives on technology advancements and how to embed them into the business in effective ways.
Inbal is the former head of Technology and Innovation in entrepreneurial professional services firm BlueRock.
She is a keynote speaker for large industry bodies including CA ANZ, CPA ANZ, IPA and ProVision and holds a position as an expert advisor to CA ANZ developing the AI Competency and the Certificate of AI Fluency.
She is finalist 2024 AI Leader of the year and AI Consultant of the Year in the Inaugural Australian AI Awards. She was finalist 2022 Innovator of the Year in Women in Finance Awards, and is recognised as Top Voice on AI by LinkedIn.