Are you on track with AI adoption at your business?
Where are you compared to everyone else on adopting AI?
We all wonder where we are compared to others in adopting AI.
We know that it is changing how we work, but are we falling behind?
I am here to tell you that wherever you are, it is not too late, and you can take action to get into the mainstream, if you are not yet there.
Let me share with you what I see in Australia.
The AI Adoption Matrix
Resistant stage
Businesses at the resistant stage are the ones actively blocking AI apps on their network and no one's allowed to use it.
They are probably not my readers, so I won’t dwell on them.
Observing stage
These businesses understand that AI is here to stay and that we need to get on top of it, but they're not quite ready and not entirely sure how.
In my view, this was okay in 2023 but now, end of 2024, it is not good enough.
Others already have teams that are learning how to use AI. They are becoming AI literate. They're getting used to this technology. You need to get in!
Dabbling stage
This is where I see most businesses right now.
It looks like this: there are a few people in the business that are playing with AI. They are experimenting and learning. They love it and they’re seeing promising results.
It's an acceptable place to be. It's where the early majority is, but…
You can do even better...
Adopting stage
You want to be in the adopting stage.
This is where you actively bring everyone on board. You identify the blockers and get everyone unstuck and you catch those great use cases and embed them into your workflows and everyday processes so that they become the way we do things.
Mastering stage
Here we see businesses that have already created cultures of innovation and frameworks for adopting new technology.
AI simply falls into these frameworks for them.
They already know how to educate, learn, triage solutions, and roll them out.
This can be you if you invest in building these innovation mechanisms.
So where are you in this adoption scale?
What will you do to make even better use of this transformative technology?
Let me know - I would love to know where you are!
Email me!
For CEOs, partners and business leaders. Everything you need to know about AI without the noise. Inbal shares the state of AI, recommends tools, and answers your questions about strategy, implementation and safe use.
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